
YOGYAKARTA There are many tutorials on how to brew coffee, both filtered and brewed coffee. Not to mention the presentation of coffee with French press or Japanese coffee. Although there are many ways to enjoy coffee, it is important for you to pay attention to which ways to support your health.

According to a market research report reported by The Center for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI), The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 70 percent of us drink at least two cups of coffee a day. In addition to benefiting from health, if you are one of the people who like coffee, it is also important to brew it in the right way.

It turns out that not many people know that filterless coffee actually increases cholesterol. For example, French press filters coffee grounds and leaves them on the bottom of the press. Or Turkish-style coffee coffee with its grounds in teapots is heated over hot sand. Well, in Indonesia is also popular with brewed coffee, which can actually affect your cholesterol levels. Launching Huffpost, Friday, June 16, the effect is different from coffee drip or filter coffee.

What is the difference between filter coffee and unfilters? Coffee filtered with a net or metal net, still allows coffee beans that have been ground together with filtered water drops. In contrast to coffee filters from paper that screen almost clean coffee droppings and produce a slightly more acidic taste.

If you are worried about body cholesterol levels, you should talk to your doctor to test them. But most realisticly, drinking 1-2 cups a day you'll be fine. If you want to switch to filter coffee, you can drink it with pour over or pour it into limp, drip crew, cold crew, or use disposable coffee pods.

In addition to the type and way of brewing coffee, you also need to take into account coffee drinking hours. Because caffeine has about six hours of working in the body, it is ideal to set a healthy distance between a cup of coffee and while sleeping. That is, drinking coffee at times prone to weakening energy. Like when you almost eat lunch or late afternoon.

More importantly, make sure you never drink black coffee when your stomach is empty. This is because coffee triggers acid production that causes stomach pain and discomfort. Did you know about the caffeine crash which causes the sensation of weakness and sleepiness due to the effects of caffeine to decrease? When the brain metabolizes caffeine, adenosine that makes you sleepy is blocked. But when the effects of caffeine metabolism disappear, alertness drops dramatically, sleepiness, and activity becomes slow. So to reduce this, you can drink a lot of water.

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