
JAKARTA - Venna Melinda also commented on the verdict of the Kediri District Court judges against Ferry Irawan. Verrell Bramasta's mother is grateful for the 1-year prison sentence given to her husband.

Although the verdict against Ferry was lower than the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU), Venna said that the decision was the judge's authority. This does not eliminate that Ferry has legally been declared to have committed acts of domestic violence.

"When it comes to the judge's decision, no one can intervene. As for me, how long is the verdict, I have submitted it to the judge, I did not go there. The point is I am just grateful," Venna told the media crew in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta on Tuesday, May 23.

With this verdict, Venna believes that the divorce case that took place at the South Jakarta Religious Court can be decided in accordance with the back lawsuit she filed against Ferry.

"Because I really want to divorce, in my reverse lawsuit I want to divorce because of domestic violence. So God willing, the result of the verdict of the Kediri District Court will strengthen my argument about my divorce," he said.

Venna said she was relieved by the termination of the domestic violence case against Ferry Irawan. That way, one of the problems he is facing has been resolved. As a victim, he feels that he has received justice.

"Alhamdulillah (lega). But no one wins and loses the criminal decision, more to me as a victim of domestic violence can fight for justice. Because this is a state of law, I feel that my struggle has received legitimacy," said Venna.

Regarding Ferry, who is still concerned about the absence of domestic violence, Venna advised her husband to take further legal steps if there was dissatisfaction with the verdict handed down.

"For example, if there is a denial, that's his right (Ferry Irawan). If he's not satisfied, he can still appeal. That means, the complaint is not to me but to the state," concluded Venna Melinda.

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