
YOGYKARTA Condoms are an effective means of contraception to prevent pregnancy. In addition, condoms can also prevent the transmission of sexual disease. However, these two functions will not be optimal if the condoms leak or tear. So, what causes the condoms to leak?

Adapted from Healthline, there are at least seven causes of leaked or torn condoms that often occur, including:

The cause of the first leaky condom is that it has passed its expiration date or expiration date.

The expired controversy will decline in quality, so it has the potential to be damaged and leaked

Therefore, make sure you check the expiration date of the condom so that its function remains optimal.

Not a few men are not careful when opening condoms. Opening the packaging by biting or using scissors, can sometimes tear the condoms.

In addition, condoms that have been opened but stored back in packaging because they are not used, also have the potential to be damaged. Condoms that are already open, should not be used anymore.

The cause of the next leaky condom is the inappropriate storage area. Storing condoms in a narrow place, such as wallets, has the potential to be damaged and leaking. The reason is, condoms become depressed, swip, so the quality decreases.

Condoms exposed to extreme temperatures, such as too hot or cold, also have the potential to leak.

Even so with direct sunlight exposure and storage areas that are too humid.

The size of a condom that does not match the size of a penis can also cause a leak. Usually, the size of a condom that is too small will be easily torn.

How to choose the right size of a condom, namely a condom that is not lax, does not narrow, or is not prone to removing when used.

Using condoms without lubricants can also cause leaks. The lubricant's undoused contamination will become swept and interested, making it torn.

The quality of condoms can decrease due to the use of lubricants made from noodles, such as coconut oil and lotion.

Lubricants made from oil can cause microthears or leaks, especially for condoms made from latex or polyisoprena.

Ciri-Ciri Kondom Bocor

Many users are not aware that the condoms used were leaked while still having sex. In fact, the characteristics of the condoms leaked are very easy to spot.

The characteristics of the first leaked condoms are that there are gaps or holes when condoms are used. In some cases, leaking condoms can occur due to manufacturing errors from factories.

However, this is rare because condom manufacturers have conducted a series of tests to test leaks before selling them.

The next characteristic of a leaking condom is the presence of sperm seepage after ejaculation outside the condom. This sign is usually realized when you are or have finished having sex.

This will certainly have an impact on pregnancy. In fact, the side effect of using condoms when in contact is what is expected to prevent pregnancy.

Kondoms that are not leaked can prevent pregnancy of up to 98 percent. Meanwhile, when it is damaged or leaked, the effectiveness of condoms to prevent pregnancy will decrease.

This is information about the cause of the condom leaking along with its characteristics. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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