
JAKARTA - Ira Riswana told the chronology after a traffic accident involving her son, Maulana Malik Ibrahim some time ago. The former artist who married a member of the police who is currently a high-ranking NTB Police officer did not accept the statement made by the victim's mother Muhammad Syamil Akbar at the National Police Headquarters last week.

The artist who was active in the 1990s denied the statement of the victim's mother who said Malik fled after the accident.

"Based on eyewitnesses who have been BAPed by South Jakarta, my son accompanied motorcyclists and motorbike passengers by taxi to Pasar Minggu Hospital, South Jakarta before finally my son went to the South Jakarta Police," said Ira Riswana through the written rights received by VOI editorial staff on Monday, April 17.

Ira said she had proof of hospital payments to confirm her statement. In addition, she said that her child was the first person reported by the doctor about the condition of the motorcycle rider and the passenger before their family arrived.

The wife of the police officer also said that the car her son was driving, at that time the officers immediately took her to the place where the evidence was stored.

It didn't stop there, when Malik had left the hospital to the South Jakarta Metro Police, Ira said other children took care of the victims who were still in the hospital.

"When my son was at the South Jakarta Police, my nephew and first son took care of all the needs in the hospital for motorcyclists and passengers involved in the accident," said Ira.

"My first daughter and nephew were at the funeral home before the funeral and after the funeral to hand over the funeral money, representing the family. There is all evidence of conversation through the message application between MS's mother and my nephew," he continued.

Regarding him who did not meet the victim's family, Ira said there was something sensitive that made him decide not to attend. He said what he knew would be reported to the National Police Headquarters Propam.

The 45-year-old woman also hopes that the accident involving her child will be processed based on existing facts. He also ensured that his son did not receive special treatment from the police.

"I also hope that this accident can be resolved based on existing facts. And I have submitted everything to the investigators because it has entered the fingerprint process. I hope all parties respect the existing legal process," said Ira Riswana.

From the start, we have followed the existing legal process without any special treatment. I hope that the police work based on existing legal facts, not based on the opinion made. Because the police work based on existing legal facts," he concluded.

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