
JAKARTA - After being detained for almost four years, Buya Hamka is finally ready to air ahead of Eid al-Fitr on April 19. Fajar Bustomi's film is divided into three parts so that it can bring the best taste to the audience.

The first part starts from the period before the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah alias Buya Hamka fought by developing Muhammadiyah in Makassar. After that, Buya moved to Medan to become the Chief Editor of Community Guidelines. Meanwhile, his wife and children live in Padang Panjang.

Through Community Guidelines, Buya stirred up the spirit of independence. He also wrote the story under the Kaaba's protection in this phase. When Japan came, Community Guidelines were considered to collide with the interests of Japan to make the media closed because it was considered dangerous.

Buya's struggle was shaken when one of their children died. In addition, his attempt to approach Japan to save the detained clerics made him considered friendly and hostile so that he was asked to resign from his position as a Muhammadiyah administrator.

Buya Hamka's first volume also presented Soekarno. Until Buya's reaction was significant when the Dutch tried to re-enter after Indonesia's independence.

Watching Buya Hamka films is like reading the romance of his life story. The authors Alim Sudio and Cassandra Massardi were not in a hurry and summarized various important things that Buya had experienced both as a writer, cleric, husband, and father for her children. Buya Hamka's happy, sad, fighting spirit, sorrow, and despair were shown alternately.

The presence of Laudia Chyntia Bella, who plays Siti Raham, Buya Hamka's wife, gave a big color in this first volume. The motivation to work and move was initiated by Siti Raham. His wife was also the inspiration for writing Romah Under the Kaaba's protection.

Fajar Bustomi showed Buya and Siti's life romance in an unusual way. If Buya likes to praise Siti with rhymes, then Siti loves Buya with a little sweet words but many actions that do not require many skills. Coffee, neat clothes, prayer mats, and fortitude to care for children are proof of her strong love seems to be successfully visualized beautifully.

Unfortunately, this is also what makes Buya Hamka's film feel slow. Because not all scenes are given verbal explanations. Like a long romance, the story flows slowly.

However, setting the place, as well as the character of each player is the main allure. Details of costumes and property make it easier for viewers to enter a year change in Buya Hamka's life. Moreover, a row of players who give their best acting. Vino and Bella's chemistry deserves thumbs up.

What makes it hard is that there is a choice to start this film from the old age of Buya Hamka towards the beginning of the household. Many figures actually exist and appear in Hamka's youth which will appear in volumes 2 and 3, but are not given an explanation so that it is enough to confuse viewers who do not know the story of Buya Hamka's life before watching. Or is it actually a strategy for viewers to be curious and look forward to the next volume? It's worth looking forward to.

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