
YOGYAKARTA The death of Isa Almasih and the Ascension of Jesus Christ are two important events in the laturgy of places of worship for Christians around the world. The commemoration of the Day of Death of Jesus Christ is still known as Good Friday. Meanwhile, the Day of Awakening of Jesus Christ is also known as Easter Day. In more detail, here are the differences between Death and the Ascension of Jesus Christ that need to be known.

The Death Of Isa Almasih

The event of Isa Almasih's death in slang wood is commemorated as Good Friday. This celebration is a form of love for Jesus Christ.

This year, Good Friday falls on April 7, 2023. The history of Good Friday began when Jesus Christ was sentenced to death by overtaken in Golgota.

Summarized from various sources, Jesus was arrested in Getsemani Park before finally being sentenced to death.

Jesus was arrested because the guardian of the Holy Bait who is also a student of Jesus, namely Yudhis betrayed him. Yudas gave information to the romawi soldiers about the figure of Jesus. In return, Yudas received 30 pieces of silver.

After being arrested, Jesus was taken to Hanas' house (Imam Besar's father-in-law,men's father) for questioning. However, these efforts did not get a satisfactory answer.

The next day, Jesus was taken to the Roman Governor of Pontius Pilatus on charges of destabilizing the nation, rejecting taxes on the emperor, and claiming himself to be king.

The charges made Jesus sentenced to the death penalty by the panel. Before being overtaken, Jesus was taken to the place where King Eliapian was the ruler. There, Jesus was given a number of questions, but his answer was not answered.

Jesus was then sent back to Pilatus, andosis conveyed information to the assembly that he and his body had found no fault with Jesus

The head priests were angry and urged Christianity to punish Jesus. Pilatus then handed Jesus over to many people to be overtaken because he was afraid of riots.

Furthermore, Jesus brought His own cross to the Golgota hill. Throughout the journey, Jesus received many tortures. Jesus suffered on the cross for six hours. The temple of Jesus Christ was later commemorated as Good Friday or the death of Jesus Christ.

The Ascension Of Jesus Christ

Meanwhile, the increase in Jesus Christ is the day that Jesus Christ lifts up to the sky and then disappears from sight after being covered with clouds and witnessed by His students, recorded in the section of the New Agreement in the Bible.

40 days after His rise, Jesus appeared before the students and proved that he was alive. Repeatedly, Jesus showed himself in front of His students and spoke about the Kingdom of Allah.

This is information about the difference in death and the increase in Jesus Christ. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID. Happy commemorating the Day of Death of Jesus Christ for those who celebrate.

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