
YOGYAKARTA - Many people think that fasting can make weight lose significantly. But the fact is that some people reveal that their weight increases during Ramadan fasting. So what causes weight to rise during fasting?

Fasting has proven to have many health benefits. Many people hope to lose weight by fasting during the month of Ramadan. But often this desire fails because of a diet that is not noticed. Instead of the needle on the scales decreasing, many people actually experience weight gains.

When fasting, you will indeed hold back from eating and drinking for a day until the time of breaking the fast arrives. But in addition, many people become greedy or overeating at night. The desire to take revenge after fasting will make a person not pay attention to what is consumed.

This uncontrolled eating habit actually causes a buildup of fat in the body. The following are a number of causes of weight gain during fasting.

When fasting, people usually reduce physical activity. This step is done on the grounds that you are strong in fasting. From those who usually do physical activity, it turns into rarely moving. Many prefer lying down or sleeping rather than doing sports activities as usual, such as jogging, playing football, or going to the gym.

Rarely doing physical activity can cause your weight to increase. Because physical movements such as exercise play a role in burning calories and fat on the body. So when you never do physical activity then there is no burning on your body, so fat accumulates.

When breaking the fast, many people are eager to eat with excessive portions. In addition, even when suhoor, people often eat a lot to be strong in fasting. Without realizing it, this excessive portion of eating becomes one of the causes of weight rising during fasting. Even this habit can cause various health problems, such as diabetes, obesity, to heart disease.

Weight gain during fasting can also be caused by the type of food consumed. After fasting, many people will have excessive appetite so they don't pay attention to the type of food consumed. Even though eating sweet foods often makes you gain weight.

Especially during the fasting month, there will be many traders who sell sweet foods, such as fruit ice, snacks, kolak, dawet, and so on, foods that contain high sugar can cause an increase in weight. In addition, excessive sugar intake can also cause health problems, such as diabetes.

Consumption of water is important for everyone, especially during fasting. When fasting, you need fluid intake after not drinking all day. If you drink less water, it will affect weight gain.

Usually people prefer to eat sweet drinks during breaking the fast and suhoor, such as drinking fruit ice andgalos. This habit will actually make you gain weight. A study says that consuming two glasses of water every day before eating can reduce weight by 1.5-2 kg.

When fasting, people usually tend to choose foods that taste sweet and delicious. Often you ignore the consumption of vegetables and fruit. Whereas these two types of foods contain good fiber for health. If the fiber needs are not met, it can cause a buildup of fat, so that weight increases.

Lack of sleep can also trigger weight gain. Because your diet changes, usually your sleep hours are also different from usual. Many people choose to stay up late until dawn for fear of not being able to wake up or being late. It is usually when you stay up late that your appetite increases. The habit of eating at night can make you gain weight.

Those are the causes of weight gain during fasting. So the fasting moment of Ramadan does not necessarily make you lose weight. Weight gain is very dependent on your diet, type of intake, and lifestyle.

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