
YOGYAKARTA - Currently LinkedIn is becoming a social media accessed by many users. Unlike Instagram and TikTok, LinkedIn is here as social media devoted to sharing content around careers or the world of work. Users also use it to find job vacancies and promote themselves. So how to make an interesting LinkedIn profile?

The presence of LinkedIn greatly facilitates the needs of the professional world or around work. LinkedIn has accommodated meeting job seekers and employers or online recruiters. As a job seeker, you can easily find job vacancies information shared by company accounts or personal accounts of HR or recruiters.

Through LinkedIn, you can find various kinds of job vacancies, ranging from full-time work, parttime, freelance, remote, and so on, both in private companies and state agencies. Without looking for it, you also have the opportunity to be looked at and recruited by a company that is in need of workers. However, to be able to look at HR or the company, of course your LinkedIn profile must be attractive.

LinkedIn accounts are profiles that image or describe who you are. Through LinkedIn profiles, you can show who you are, educational background, profession, skill, and interest. By creating an attractive profile, you have a greater chance of getting a job or being offered a project.

HR or companies are usually interested in interesting LinkedIn accounts or profiles. Follow how to create the following interesting LinkedIn profile.

In the about' column on the profile, you can fill in your personal data information. Show your full biodata and background as when you create a curriculum vitae (CV). You can display educational background information, work experience, skills that you are good at.

Try to fill in all the fields provided in the profile. That way people who see your profile can find out who you are. You need to know that a profile that has the status of being filled complete will make your account appear 40 times more on the search results. Thus your chances are found that HR and the company are even bigger and recruiters can match you with the work they need.

In LinkedIn profile there is a photo frame column provided for users to display their own photos. So that your LinkedIn profile looks more attractive, make sure you post a professional photo.

Use photos that are clearly or not blurry and display your face to the extent of your shoulder or chest. You can also install photos that are wearing neat or formal clothes. Avoid photos that appear to be late or use excessive filter editing.

The professional filling column of the headline is located at the top of the profile. In this section, you can include your profession or job position. Enter a professional and interesting keyword, for example your profession is brand marketing, social media specialist, SEO specialist, graphic designer, talent management expert, and so on.

With a clearheadline inclusion, it will make it easier for recruiters to find out who and what your profession is. If your profession is as needed by the recruiter, then you can be contacted and the chances of getting a job will be greater.

Don't add your history or track record of experience all this time. Fill in your experience history column in a sequentially and in detail. Write in full your work experience, from the name of the company to the year of office.

In addition, also include in detail the job desk or description of the work you hold while in office. For fresh graduates, you can add an 'experience' column with your organizational experience while on campus.

On the LinkedIn profile page there is also a recommendation column. This column is provided to provide submissions or praise to you. Review recommendations to your connection for the achievements or skills you are good at.

The number of these recommendations is not limited. So you can get as many recommendations as possible from the connection on LinkedIn. The inclusion of these recommendations is very useful to convince the recruiter that you are worthy or have superior competencies.

Those are some ways to make an interesting LinkedIn profile. So don't just create an account to be able to access LinkedIn. You also need to compile a profile as interesting as possible and provide complete information to increase your chances of getting a job.

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