
JAKARTA - Hair loss is very disturbing. According to research, hair loss of 50 - 100 strands per day is still normal because hair is regenerated every day.

Quoted from the American Academy of Dermatolofy Association, hair loss can be caused by several things, including not strong roots, thin hair stems, hair regeneration, treatment treatment, hormones and age factors, and improper use of hair products.

The following types of hair loss are quoted from ANTARA.

The first loss is a natural loss experienced by every human being. This is because the hair is time to regenerate within a certain period of time and change with new hair. This hair regeneration process causes hair to fall out of the roots.

This clash is caused by a thin, not strong hair stem. Have you combed your hair and found a long hair that doesn't match your hair? It could be that it is a rotched' hair from the stem or it can be said that the hair is broken.

This can happen because hair stems are not properly compromised. Make sure to always do hair care not only shampoo but also use other treatments such as conditioner, hair tonic, hair mask, and hair vitamins.

Hair loss can be minimized by taking care at home, including having to be careful when shampooing, using products that can treat hair loss, using conditioner and hair wrap with a microfiber towel.

Don't color your hair, curly or straighten your hair with chemicals and don't use ornamental styling tools. Stop tying your hair and switching to a healthier lifestyle such as quitting smoking and eating with balanced nutrition

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