
YOGYAKARTA Full feels full, heavy, and constipation can mean eating too full. As the saying goes, anything that is mostly uncomfortable. Including when it doesn't regulate the portion of food, so the stomach feels full.

Dinner with a portion of 3,000 calories, almost doubling the recommended calorie intake. So before reaching the maximum capacity of the stomach, eating a dinner menu must be stopped. Launching Healthline, Sunday, April 2, the average stomach measuring one adult's hands. This can accommodate about 2.5 ounces if it is empty and can expand if the water is added by about 1 liter. Well, when filling the stomach more than its capacity, causes discomfort including experiencing digestive disorders to nausea. To help overcome discomfort due to a lot of eating, here's what can be done.

Recognizing what food ingredients trigger discomfort in the stomach, can help remove bloating. According to nutrition expert Michael Hartman, MD., dairy products, gluten, eating spicy foods, and because of intolerance certain foods can trigger bloating stomachs and digestive problems.

Hartman advises, track the food you eat. Identify how much portion you eat, meal time, emotions at that time, and the symptoms you feel. That way it allows you to find a diet that causes bloating.

Piling hunger can often cause eating too fast and too much. This can increase the flavor of bloating. Instead of eating big to satisfy hunger, it's better to eat little but consistently. This is beneficial to support the performance of unheavy digestion throughout the day. Also pay attention to the types of foods that trigger bloating, such as crossed vegetables that are consumed too much. Avoid also mostly eating fatty foods, containing too much sodium, and limit sugar intake.

Balance the type of food may be difficult if you are invited to dinner and a menu has been provided by the host. But this is important to do, if Hartman suggests, you need to build a healthy relationship with food. For example, if you eat cheese balls for opening food, try intermixing it with fresh vegetables. Hartman's advice again, instead of growing potatoes, the butter is better off turning to alternatives like sweet potatoes.

If you eat a high rice bag, choose nuts rich in potassium, minerals, and avoid excess sodium which causes the stomach to swell.

Vegetables such as spinach, kale, pok choy, asparagus, and charm have high water content and are also low in calories and are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This type of vegetable works well to reduce bloating. If you increase fiber intake, it is important to compensate by increasing water intake to prevent constipation.

Fermented drinks, such as wine, may be claimed to be healthy in several studies. But it's also important to limit drinking to reduce flatulence.

Alcohol is an inflammatory substance that can slow down digestion and increase water retention, making you feel lethargic. It can also cause swelling in the body which can cause gas, discomfort, and bloating," Hartman said.

Because drinking mineral water is important, the advice is not to drink a lot at once. Better, drink a little but consistently. That's how to deal with bloating stomachs and constipation because there are too many. Do you experience it often? If so, try to identify the accompanying symptoms and consult a doctor if they don't get better.

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