6 Personal Quality That Play A Role In Increasing Relations
Illustration of self-quality that plays a role in improving relationships (Freepic)


YOGYAKARTA Self-quality or in positive psychology is referred to as the idea of character strength, it turns out to play a role in increasing satisfaction and happiness. Considering the strength of character, according to a study in 2023 by New England University psychologist Sonja Habanicht and Nicola Schutte, is indeed a useful exercise.

Although it is like a way to measure a person's character or quality. But the framework used by a team of researchers from the University of New England, reported by Psychology Today, Monday, March 27, categorizes to 6, among others as follows:

According to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., self-quality can play a role when focusing on what your partner has rather than your partner's shortcomings. A quality-based approach may also be one of the things you do with your partner.

Obviously, satisfaction with relationships is a two-way path. So that both of you can benefit if each of you add up the largest self-quality assets.

In short, self-quality is the basis for building relationship satisfaction and happiness. You and your partner, you need to recognize yourself and each other. Fulfillment in relationships may come from many sources, but an approach with six personal quality bases may need to be realized.

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