
JAKARTA - Singer Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus, known as Opick, admitted that he was flooded with work during the holy month of Ramadan. He was offered to attend several other events and activities.

Grateful for the many work offers that have come, Opick believes that he will be strong in doing everything. He hopes to be stronger and give his health.

"Anyway, it's amazing, thank God there are many activities, many events, many activities. Hopefully, God willing, it will be strong and healthy. At home there will also be many events," said Opick in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta on Friday, March 24.

With so many jobs to go through, Opick said he was still fasting Ramadan as usual.

"Keep going through activities as usual, amen, bismillah healthy, bismillah," he added.

Opick also reminded Muslims to maximize the month of Ramadan even though they are still carrying out their jobs. He hopes that more kindness will be done by Muslims in this holy month.

"Anyway, Ramadan this time should be the best Ramadan for viewers, maximize the day. No matter how busy it is in this world, do as much and pray as possible and read the Koran and give as much food to the poor as possible," he said.

The singer of the song Explained that people should maximize the opportunity to fast Ramadan this time. The reason is, humans who do not know about death may not meet the coming month of Ramadan.

"This time it must be Ramadan the best, hopefully we will be given a long life, Ramadan will come again," concluded Opick.

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