Mother And Father, Don't Forget To Give Appreciation To Children When Learning To Fast
Children Learn Fasting (Pexels)


JAKARTA - There is no ideal age benchmark for children to start learning fasting. Parents have a role to play in preparing their children to fast gradually.

In addition, a pediatrician from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) dr. Mulya Rahma Karyanti, Sp.A(K), M.Sc recommends that parents may verbally give awards or appreciations (rewards) to their children when they begin learning to fast.

"Usually if you fast for the first time, it might open ( break the fast) during the day, then you will continue. But, give appreciation. That's all, really, the point. (For example) 'The spirit, yes, because we want to fast, here, both mothers and papa," said Mulya as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, March 25.

Mothers also need to understand the situation and condition of children, to what extent they are able to endure hunger during fasting.

Parents can apply the fasting learning method to their children in stages, for example, starting from holding back hunger for two hours, then rising to three hours, then becoming half a day, until finally being able to fast for a day.

During learning to fast, added Mulya, the principle that must still be held by permanent parents is to fulfill the complete and balanced nutritional needs of children.

While food variations can adjust to the availability at home. For protein needs, for example, children can consume animal protein sources not only from meat but also from eggs.

The sugar intake consumed by children during fasting also needs to be considered by parents to prevent the risk of suffering from diabetes. If a child has been diagnosed with excess nutrition or obesity and the risk of diabetes, Mulya recommends increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruit, especially fruit because it already has natural sugar content.

"You don't have to dilute (it's fruit juice). But usually you have to consult an endocrine doctor specifically for diabetes. They (children with diabetes) can still fast and do normal activities, but there will still be medicine to take," said Mulya.

In addition, excessive milk consumption is also not recommended in diabetes children. On the other hand, said Mulya, milk intake is actually important and needed for children with malnutrition and difficulty eating to increase weight.

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