
JAKARTA - Cut Mini is back in the latest series of Sajadah Panjang: Subjud In Prayer. She plays Aida, the mother of three children who must be the backbone of the family after her husband fell ill.

Learning from the characters played, Cut Mini sees the figure of a mother as a central figure in the family. For him, domestic problems depend on a mother to overcome them.

"There is no term no problem in a house. But the problem can be passed depending on where the mother wants to take it," said Cut Mini during a press conference at fX Sudirman, Central Jakarta on Friday, March 24, 2023.

Although he did not deny that a father also had an important role, he considered that mothers were responsible for household work.

"If there are fathers who support the mother, the father doesn't have a mother who runs everything. In the sense, if you work, all mothers do it. After all, you run the household, you support it from other matters," said Cut Mini.

The Acehnese-blooded actress then spoke about the meaning of the series she starred in. The title of the Sajadah Panjang series: Sujud In Prayer was interpreted as the most appropriate place to complain about various family problems. He also assessed that the series he starred in was right to watch this holy month.

"That's our best friend, who is really the best friend, is a prayer mat, who doesn't tell anyone any of our difficulties to others. For me, the prayer mat is really long, the moment is really right," he said.

As for Sajadah Panjang: Subjud In Prayer tells the story of a family who faces various problems and has to go through them.

The problem started when his father, Andika, fell and suffered a minor concussion. Disappointed because he could no longer be the backbone of the family, this psychological condition actually slows down the recovery of the alert.

This forced his wife, Aida, to replace Andika as the head of the family. The culinary business that his wife built was quite successful, especially with the help of her children, Aisyah and Ariel who were getting smarter in selling online.

Meanwhile, Adinda focuses on medical studies and continues to carry out her hobby as a musician, she wrote and made the song Problem even more difficult when Tyo, Andika's ex-wife's sister, came to take Aisyah, Andika's daughter.

Apart from Cut Mini, this series stars Donny Alamsyah, Arbani Yasiz, Hasyakila, Rafi Sanjaya and Annisa Kaila. Sajadah Panjang: Subud In Prayer will premiere on Saturday, March 25, 2023 and can be watched via Vidio.

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