
YOGYAKARTA Research explores the changing times by highlighting changes in people's perspectives and relationships as well as their relation to work. Globalization of the 20th century and market dynamics have led to intense competition in the use of workers and effectiveness in work. This pressure, in fact, increases work speed so as to form a person's mental and physical health.

Research reported by Elyakim Kislev, Ph.D. in Psychology Today, Friday, March 24, has an important job to fulfill. Someone also in the end doesn't want to work hard without feelings of self-confidence. For singles who are not married, often holds values that are synonymous with an less persuasive approach. This means that they see money and careers not materially, but lead to life choices that increase happiness.

Singles are also more likely to be in debt than couples, living together, or getting married. Because they think debt is more likely to have consequences for reducing happiness. Maybe singles end up being less adventurous than those who end up getting married, or people who are more inclined to enter long-term committed relationships.

Single people tend to be less focused on material. They value more the meaning of work, find challenging, more satisfying jobs. Other research has different explanations and even the opposite. The competition is not unsophisticated but faces' the reality of being single by seeking satisfaction with other things, such as work. Here, work is considered as compensation for finding a partner and starting a family.

The first study took data from 709 high school students in Minnesota. At the beginning of the study, they were asked what is the importance of a career for their future. Researchers divide it into two categories, an extrinsic incentive balance (namely finance) and intrinsic (that is ideologically motivated participants). Extrinsically motivated participants pay attention to job stability, salary, opportunities to advance, while extrinsically motivated individuals emphasize meaningful work, develop skills, and show responsibility.

Nine years later, when research participants were 26-27 years old, their relationship status was documented by researchers. As a result, participants who are married or tend to want to build an extrinsically motivated and single household and have no intrinsic motivated children.

Single workers value their work rather than married participants. Kislev research itself surveys 300,000 adult participants from 2002 to 2018 with an average age of 30 years. Research results show that job satisfaction contributes to happiness that is mostly experienced by singles. Work satisfaction in the context of this study, relates to obtaining meaning and self-consistency from work.

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