
YOGYAKARTA Hair grows regularly. But can it be without care that it can grow quickly. If you want hair to be long quickly naturally, triologists or hair experts recommend a special method. Recommended methods include eating balanced foods and daily care that support hair growth.

Obviously a triologist, Anabel Kingsley, the average hair grows 1.3 cm in a month. That is, a year can grow up to 15 cm. Although each person is different, treatment can help grow hair faster.

Kingsley added as reported by Vogue, Monday, March 20, factors that affect hair growth include hormone levels, genetics, stress levels, environmental health, and nutrients that are eaten or nutrients for hair growing. In general, the healthier you are, the healthier your hair grows healthy. So, follow the tips of the triologist who helps hair lengthen more naturally.

A hairtylist, Michael Van Clarke, says that poor lifestyles and diets play a role in the growth rate and quality of hair. In its growth, hair requires protein complete, vitamins, minerals, and water in sufficient quantities. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids also help a lot.

So you need to make sure your hair gets the protein you need to grow. Experts recommend, in a day eat protein the size of your palms at breakfast or lunch. For example protein from fish, eggs, fatless meat, low-fat cottage cheese, quinoa, and nuts. Also include red rice, wheat bread, or potatoes with balanced diets.

When you sleep, the body recovers and improves. Then get quality sleep that is useful for relieve stress and recover the effects of adrenal hormones.

If nutrition from natural ingredients is not possible, relying on supplements and vitamins it can also be done. Clarke said, vitamin supplements should not be a substitute for varying foods, but can help those who have an unbalanced diet.

You can equip protein deficiency with supplements that contain iron, zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, biotin, and protein. It is important to know, biotins are important to maintain hair health because they function to synthesize hair proteins such as keratin.

Indeed, the hair will not make hair grow longer. But it will make it look better. By cutting regularly, the ends of the hair will remain tight and of high quality.

Hair grows well if the facial skin is healthy. So cleaning it regularly is important. In addition to regular shampooing, removing dirt, exfoliating, and relaxing the scalp by massage and wearing hair masks.

The conditioner of the hair plays a role in lifting the face of the hairbar kutikula. The effect is that hair will be finer and protect hair stems from damage. Therefore, use conditioner regularly to get shiny beautiful hair.

There are many things that are done for hair management, such as wearing hot straighteners which of course hinder hair growth. In addition, avoid wearing long hair coloring without good care. Also, carefully comb your hair and avoid tying your hair too tightly so that hair growth is not hampered.

Those are the seven steps and how to extend hair more quickly naturally. Maybe, you use a hair grower made of chemicals or use continued hair. If you choose this step, of course you need different treatments.

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