YOGYAKARTA Emotional associations create a safe relationship. Even though they are not together physically, because they believe and feel safe, their partners can build prosperity together. However, this emotional security may not be established. Why can't it be established, there are a number of factors that trigger it. Among them, here's the full explanation.
Emotional security, is about how you feel about yourself and how you relate to the world in general. Emotional security is influenced by your previous experience and the kind of style of engagement you developed. Communication and trust are the keys to emotional security in relationships. Even if you are emotionally secure, it doesn't mean your relationship is safe if your partner isn't on the same page. These are four things that keep security and emotional ties in relationships hindered.
A defensive attitude is someone's way of building a defense. Sometimes we need to survive when we feel judged or attacked. For example, if your partner tries to discuss a problem, you may avoid mistakes, act like enemies, or make statements like, "I know you don't really care".
Sometimes, defensive attitudes come from criticism or feeling unacceptable as they are. Launching PsychCentral, Friday, March 17, criticism can highlight errors and expose disapproval. Although not every feedback is in the form of criticism, it constantly corrects, blames, or nags can create an emotional feeling of insecure.
When treating someone inappropriate or disrespectful, it is called humiliation. In a relationship, communicating with insults can be considered ridicule, ridicule, harsh language, and nonverbal behavior such as turning your eyes. Acting like this, affects trust and how safely you and your partner feel.
Silence and limit interactions, sometimes make others feel uncomfortable. Anxiety can also increase when treated by interaction restrictions. Sometimes, this attitude involves turning physically during conversations and leaving the room when others are still talking.
According to research, a person's style of entanglement can change over time. If you or your partner feel emotionally insecure, try not to ignore your self-needs. That way, you and your partner can open up to each other and communicate each other's needs and then support each other to achieve them.
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