
JAKARTA - Haryo Sungkowo, known as Salim Bungsu, who plays Mang Odjo in the television series Tukang Burum Naik Haji (TBNH) was also present at the Nani Wijaya funeral at the Babakan Medang TPU, Bogor on Thursday, March 16, 2023.

After the funeral, Mang Odjo told the media crew about the touching story that the late Nani Wijaya had done to him.

Saat serial Tukang Burur Naik Haji masih menjalani proses syuting, Mang Odjo menceritakan ada momen di mana Mat Solar yang berperan sebagai Haji Sulam menghabiskan beberapa pelakan dan crew untuk go umrah ke tanah suci.

The Suram Hajj dispatched a TBNH (umrah) crew, approximately 15 people. Meanwhile, every day I frame with Haji Sulam, he didn't think that I would be invited, "said Mang Odjo.

The next time, I came home from the mosque, Mrs. Nani Wijaya negor, 'Jo, did you say it wasn't the same as Sulam?', 'no ma'am.' If you want to?', 'do you want to, ma'am,' he continued.

Knowing how Nanai Wijaya paid attention to her, Mang Odjo said he was very grateful and grateful to his senior.

"It turned out that it was Mrs. Nani Eijaya who sent me Umrah. It was on that day, that second, I prostrated at the feet of Mrs. Nani and thanked Mrs. Odjo," said Mang Odjo while crying.

After being offered Nani Wijaya for Umrah departure, Mang Odjo said he had been met again by Mat Solar. Not hurt, Mang Odjo felt that what had happened had already been determined by the Creator.

"Then Haji Sulam found out, he apologized to me, 'why, Jo, every day I meet you, but forget I leave you'. 'You are wrong, God is Almighty, Allah covers your thoughts and eyes', while Mrs. Nani opens up," he said.

What Nani Wijaya has done, Mang Odjo has always remembered. However, he regretted not having time to visit his senior before taking his last breath.

That's what makes me very fond of Ms. Nani until now. Even more disappointed, I couldn't attend when she was being treated at Fatmawati Hospital. It's not that I didn't want to come, because the time was not possible for me to come, because I had to shoot," he concluded.

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