Tips Teaching Children To Combed Beds
Illustration (Cottonbro/Pexels)


JAKARTA - Can your little one tidy up his own bed? If not, then parents need to teach and get used to their children tidying up their own beds. Combining beds teaches children important emotional and social lessons. Children learn to be responsible people, who understand the importance of completing tasks.

In addition, research also shows that adults are given the responsibility to do homework when they are children. Grows up to be happier, healthier, and independent adults.

Then, how to teach children to make their beds smooth?

Amy Morin, LCSW, author of 13 Things Strong Kids Do as reported by Very Well Family, Wednesday, March 15, suggests starting from the specifics first. By giving children steps for steps to make the bed smooth. This can cover anything from pulling sheets to setting pillows. It depends on how messy children's beds are.

It would be very helpful if you showed the child every step, while explaining to him how you tidied up. Direct the child to one side of the bed and ask him to improve the bed, then ask him to do the same on the other side. Show him what good bed conditions are after it's finished tidied.

Maybe at the beginning, the bed will look a little messy, but no problem! Every time a child cleans the bed, ask him to focus on different skills. For example, first of all, ask him to pull the sheet so that it covers every corner. Next, tell the child to smooth the sheet to remove the tangled area.

After mastering the bed, the child can switch to a blanket, followed by making a way to organize the pillow. Once he starts to understand all the basics, you can ask him to try to tidy up on his own, while you monitor him.

Morin explained that bed cleaning activities are useful activities that can be assigned every day. This makes children accustomed to completing tasks, which can motivate them to handle other jobs.

"Cleaning their beds in the morning also gives them the opportunity to feel the achievement in the morning and maybe start their day better," added Morin.

To make it more enjoyable, Morin also recommends that her doll "teach" children how to tidy up the bed. Teaching others will strengthen what children learn. Remember, the more he trains, the more confident he will be. No need to demand perfect results, the most important thing is the child's willingness to try.

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