
JAKARTA - Michelle Joan felt a new challenge when she played a dissipation in the film Devil In Blood. Even though she didn't look beautiful as usual, Michelle was satisfied because she could play acting that scared people.

"Yes, you could say it's one of the heaviest because here there are many new things that I do. One of them is the design scene. It must be physically draining and I'm very happy to get this trust," said Michelle when met in South Jakarta,

Yanie Sukarya as the director of the film said that almost 80 percent of Michelle Joan's scenes were insurance.

"Yes, so most of the scenes are insurance, you could say 80%," said Yanie Sukarya.

However, to show a bad face when you are in bed is not as easy as looking beautiful. "In fact, making up to look ugly is three times longer than for make-up to look beautiful," said Michelle Joan.

In addition to her 'rustrated' appearance, Michelle was willing to be tied up for a long time while filming. "There are many scenes that my hands were tied. If I take a break, I don't want to be released. Because I was afraid that his position would change, his mood changed, so I was tied for hours until it was blue in my arm," he recalled.

After a long wait, Michelle Joan is happy that the film Devil In Blood will be shown simultaneously in Indonesian cinemas starting March 16, 2023. "Yesterday, many viewers shouted in fear of watching, like hard work was paid off," he explained.

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