
YOGYAKARTA Soon Muslims will soon perform Ramadan fasting. One series of fasting that is often performed is sahur, which is eating before the time of imsyak. Before performing the first fasting, it is better to pay attention to the first sahur menu.

The first Sahur is important to note because at that time the body has not fully adjusted. The first Sahur also determines the smooth fasting one month later.

The first meal until a month later must be able to support the health of the body. In addition, make sure the first sahur menu does not provoke digestive disorders. Make sure you eat healthy foods rich in nutrients such as vegetables and meat.

In addition to paying attention to food, the public is also advised to make an easy menu. Some of the menus that can be served in the first sahur are as follows.

The soup or soup menu is widely favored by the public because it has many food ingredients ranging from vegetables to meat as a source of protein. This menu is in the form of soupy foods made by boiling several food ingredients with protein mixtures in the form of meat. Here are some suhoor soup ingredients.

How to make suhoor soup

The long beans oseng menu is suitable for the first sahur because it can not only be made by inserting various vegetables and protein, but also durable and easy to make. Long beans oseng ingredients are as follows.

How To Make An Oseng Kacang Panjang

That's information related to the first sahur menu. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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