
JAKARTA - Pregnancy has an important period for the formation of baby health. An obstetrician from Padjajaran University, Dr. Boy Abidin, SpOG(K) said there are at least eight important nutrients that must be met by pregnant women.

"When pregnant, mothers need more intake of certain macro and micro nutrients than usual, such as folic acid, iron, vitamin B6 and B12, food fiber, calcium, protein, zinc, and iodine," Boy said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 9.

The member of the Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association (POGI) explained that the eight nutrients must be met to support the development of the fetus in the womb.

According to him, folic acid will help form red blood cells and maintain growth and development of the fetus, including the central neural arrangement of the baby.

If the mother lacks folic acid, Boy says, what might happen is that the baby who is born has an anensefali (does not have some part of the brain and skull) and a bifide spina (which does not develop).

"Babies anensefali, their lives are small. The choice is for parents, they want to be continued (pregnancy) they are allowed, they want to be stopped too. At that time there were patients who decided to continue and after birth, the baby only breathed for a while, not until an hour, then died," said Boy.

Meanwhile, Boy continued, iron will help build hemoglobin. If it is not fulfilled, then the mother will experience anemia which will certainly have a significant impact on the development of the baby.

"Especially if the mother is pregnant with a daughter. A daughter who is born to anemia mother when pregnant, she will have problems with her menstruation and fertility," he said.

Then, vitamin B is no less important because it plays a role in helping energy metabolism and tissue formation, while vitamin B12 plays a role in the formation of red blood cells. While food fiber will help maintain digestive function.

calcium serves to help form and maintain bone and tooth density, while protein is to build and repair body tissue.

Meanwhile, adequate consumption of zinc can contribute to the normal function of endurance and iodine is beneficial for forming thyroid hormones.

In addition to the eight nutrients, Boy also reminded pregnant women to keep exercising.

"So that the baby can grow and develop in good health, it must be assisted by good air circulation. So, mothers must move, carry out physical activities. So pregnant women do not have any restrictions on exercise, instead in the second trimester where the baby can already hear and respond to sounds from outside, coupled with sports, they will be healthier," said Boy Abidin.

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