
JAKARTA - Erectile dysfunction (DE) can be a complicated problem for married couples. But there are many things you can do to support your partner and help him overcome this.

Men are prone to stress and even depression if they experience this problem, especially if they lack support from their partners. Well, here are some tips that can guide you to be a supportive partner for couples who are facing erectile dysfunction, reported the Times of India, Tuesday, March 7.

Tell your partner if you are and care for him. Erectile dysfunction can be a source of shame for men. So it is important for you to see and respond to this topic more sensitive and caring. If you have a habit of scolding your partner, then this is the time to remove this trait and become more sensitive to your partner.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors, including physical and psychological problems. Encourage your partner to talk to a doctor or therapist, which can help him identify the causes of the problem and suggest the right treatment options. You can also do your own research and then ask your partner about all the options from your research results.

Remember physical intimacy is not just about sex. You can still have a satisfying and intimate relationship with your partner, even though they are experiencing erectile dysfunction. Focus on other ways to get close physically, such as hugging, kissing, and holding hands.

Overcoming erectile dysfunction requires time and involves a variety of different treatments. As a partner, try to be patient and supportive during the process. You and your partner can explore different sexual activities. Experiment with various sexual activities that do not always require an erection, such as oral sex or intimidating together. This can help reduce pressure on your partner.

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