
JAKARTA - Many people view meditation as a calming time and the opportunity to find emotional balance. According to research, doing meditation has more benefits than that. Namely, reducing negative emotions, easing anxiety, calming the crowds and bustle of the mind, as well as making emotions that have been hidden in oneself, surface to the surface.

This stored emotion can be an emotion that you fail to express or this emotion can be too difficult to deal with. With meditation, these emotions also burst out without you knowing it. Because the overflow and emotional turmoil cannot be dammed, you finally cry.

Launching Very Well Mind, Wednesday, March 1, crying during meditation can be a positive thing because you get to know, process, and learn something about yourself. However, if the tears that come out during meditation become heavier and you are confused about how to handle them, there is no need to panic. VOI, serve how to deal with excessive crying during meditation.

Most people are taught that crying is a kind of sign of weakness. That it's just something children do, and when they get older, adults need to keep emotions stable. In fact, crying is not a sign of weakness at all. Feeling sadness is part of being human and learning how to express it is important and is an therapeutic way.

Many people think meditation means having a clear mind and free from any thoughts and feelings. But that's not how meditation works. The purpose of meditation is not to completely eliminate thoughts or feelings, but to be able to accept all these feelings once they come. Once again, the goal of learning meditation is not to forget but to let go.

When meditation creates strong emotions in yourself, try to take time to reflect on and process what happened. Including talking to friends or dealing with counselors or mental health therapists to clear your thoughts and thoughts.

You can also consider journaling to help process the experience. Take daily books, set timers for 10 minutes, and write down whatever comes to mind. You don't need to show this to anyone. Writing thoughts and feelings after crying can help you understand yourself better and better understand the meaning behind those emotions.

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