
JAKARTA - Indra Bekti admitted that he was resigned to Aldilla Jelita's decision to file a divorce suit. Milano Lubis as the 45-year-old presenter's attorney also emphasized that the decision taken was the best for now.

The lawyer said that the people closest to him had also accepted the decisions taken by Bekti and Dhila. "All friends, family and from the management, Bekti thinks this is the best, for Bekti and for Dhila too," said Milano Lubis in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta on Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

Milano said that currently his client is just waiting for the decision of the South Jakarta Religious Court to determine the schedule for the inaugural trial of Dhila's lawsuit.

He also said that there would still be a mediation stage at the trial later, but because Bekti has surrendered to the divorce decision, the presenter will not attend the mediation stage and entrust all matters related to divorce to Dhila.

"There is still mediation, but Bekti will not attend, because she has submitted it to the statement, she has submitted everything to Dhila for the divorce process. Dhila will attend. It's been confirmed," said Milano.

Milano explained that Bekti had agreed to separate. However, he did not deny that at the trial his client with Dhila chose to reconcile.

"If it's for reconciliation, nothing is impossible, everything is possible. Later in the trial process, suddenly it can come back (refer)," he said.

Regarding Bekto's divorce case with Dhila, Milano also asked the public not to corner one of the parties. Although he did not explain the reason why Dhila filed for divorce, Indra Bekti's attorney believed that the decision taken had been considered first.

"So it's true that when they come to me they report to me, yes, this is indeed our best way. So please respect the community too. Dhila also doesn't have a moment to leave a defender like what, no, this is indeed the best for them," concluded Milano Lubis.

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