YOGYAKARTA "Silent migraine or silent migraine is called an acyphalgic migraine without a headache." Sylenet migraine sufferers experience other disturbing symptoms.
Migraine acephalgic is recognized with symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and mainly experiencing visual impairment or sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine is very difficult to diagnose, reported by the Brain Center, Tuesday, February 28, because there are no signs of headaches such as regular migraines.
In general migraines, headaches last between 4-72 hours. But in silent migraines, you don't feel any pain at all. The prodromal phase, or symptoms of migraines usually occur before attacks that can occur for hours for days. The aura migraine phase, only lasts 5-20 minutes and is very rare for up to an hour. While the postdrome phase can last up to one day.
Care for silent migraines is the same as other migraine types. But for those of you who experience it, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that you get an accurate diagnosis and find the best treatment plans.
There are several potential treatments for migraine silent, including lifestyle changes, free medicine, and prescription drugs. In most cases, this treatment can help reduce frequency and severity. While there is no cure for migraine silents, there is certain treatment that can help relieve the symptoms. For example, many people feel relieved by lying in the dark room and resting.
In another migraine case found that drinking a lot of fluids helps prevent dehydration, which can trigger migraine attacks.
Magnesium, for example, has been classified by the American Migraine Foundation as a supplement that may be effective and considered safe for most people to use as a preventive treatment.
More expressively, the symptoms of silent migraines can vary with everyone. Generally experiencing the following symptoms:
To ensure a lack of migraine diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. Especially if it is felt frequent and unchanged after you get enough rest.
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