
JAKARTA - Kalina Oktarani tried to debut in big-screen acting through the film Teman Tidur. Not an ordinary deama story, this film also talks about bullying, mental health, the bad effects of social media have reasons why she wants to accept an offer to play in the film Teman Tidur.

Kalina plays Kalina gets the role of a shaman's wife. "As a shaman's wife, I help my husband practice. Be careful if there are various kinds here, I'm witchcraft," said Kalina jokingly when meeting media in South Jakarta, Friday, February 24.

There are several reasons Kalina is interested in playing the film Teman Sleep. First, because the story offered by the film is interesting. "I want to try it because my role is here, the story I like, it's interesting for me," he said.

Film Teman Tidur mengambil latar belakang sema dan situasi SMA. Di mana sekolah merupakan salah satu tempat di mana perbulguanan atau bullying kerap kali terjadi. Dikalan, Kalina pernah juga di-bully.

"It happened in high school. After being silent for a long time, I finally spoke up and fought back. If we don't behave, bully will continue to last. I agree with Gunawan, parents must be sensitive and have to chat frequently and be friends with children's discussions," Kalina said.

The second reason, Kalina received support from friends to try out acting. "My friend said why I wasn't accepted and it became something new because I supported my friends, finally I was confident and accepted," said Kalina.

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