
JAKARTA - Parents play a major role in the formation of children's character so that they become individuals with integrity and noble character. Education expert from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Prof Agus Sartono advised his family to be the main and first schools.

"Parents play a major role in the formation of children's character, thus houses or families must be the main and first schools for children," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 25.

Agus Sartono, who once served as Deputy for Coordination of Education Quality Improvement and Religious Moderation at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), added that efforts to shape children's character needed to be done early on.

"Parents need to provide the right parenting style so that their children grow up to be human with good character, have a high social spirit, have faith, and are also devout," he said.

Apart from parents, he said, schools or madrasas also play an important role in the formation of children's characters.

"Even this can be started from the play group or PAUD. This stage is very crucial in shaping children's character. To support the formation of children's characters in schools or madrasas, teachers have a very central role," he said.

Meanwhile, he also reminded the need for the active role of parents and teachers in assisting children in accessing the internet or social media.

"This support is needed to protect children from the possibility of accessing violent content, because violent content is feared to affect the development of children's character," he said.

He also added that parents and teachers must always provide education about the importance of love, empathy, and mutual respect.

"Parents and teachers must build good communication with their children as an effort to prevent children from falling into acts of violence," he said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture emphasized the importance of strengthening character education as part of the National Movement for Mental Revolution (GNRM).

Acting Deputy for Coordination for Quality Improvement of Children, Women, and Youth at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Didik Suhardi said this was in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education.

Didik explained that the government through education units continues to make various strategic efforts to support the program to strengthen the character of children who are the next generation of the nation.

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