
JAKARTA - Tariq Halilintar fell ill and had to be hospitalized for the next few days. Through his Instagram account, Atta Halilintar's younger brother told him he had to lie in hospital since Friday, February 24, 2023 in the morning.

Regarding what happened to Tariq, Fuji's father, Haji Faisal, admitted that he just found out. However, unfortunately he said he could not visit his son's ex-girlfriend.

Present at an event in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta on Friday afternoon, Haji Faisal said he already had an agenda that could not be left behind. "Incidentally, I had an afternoon event, that's why I came home. Actually I was detained, 'I'll go home soon', but I have an event at half past 5," said Haji Faisal in Sudirman, Jakarta on Friday, February 24, 2023.

However, Fuji's father said his family had established communication, his wife had sent a message with Tariq who was in the hospital. "Yes, Oma is WhatsApp," he said.

Although unable to visit, Haji Faisal confirmed that one of the families would go to visit Tariq. He said he had asked Fuji's older brother, Frans, to represent the family, to visit.

"God willing, later in the afternoon there will be representatives of the family going there," said Haji Faisal.

Meanwhile, Fuji's mother, Dewi Zuhriati, admitted that she did not know about the cause of Thariq's illness. He also dismissed the assumption of netizens who said that Tariq's illness was due to a breakup from his son.

"In my opinion, that's the only estimate of netizens, right? It's the people who feel it on Tariq. Maybe he's late to eat or what. That's the explanation from the doctor, not from us," concluded Fuji's mother.

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