
YOGYAKARTA Cats are independent pets. But if left home alone for some time, they can feel lonely, bored, and stressed. According to expert recommendations, if you leave a cat at home during the day, you need to provide facilities ranging from liter boxes, food according to meal hours, drink available, and toys to reduce your loneliness.

In general, adult cats like to be left alone at home for 8-12 hours. But more than that time, cats can get bored and lonely. One of the things that helps them is to give them entertainment by leaving some safe toys. Launching Rover, Friday, February 24, you can turn on your radio or television to calm your cat. Provided with a low volume, they will feel they have friends even if they are alone.

What if you leave the cat 24 hours a day last night? In general, veterinarians say it's okay to leave the cat alone for 24 hours. As long as they have liters of box, access to clean water, complete food, they are likely to be fine as long as they are left. Well, if it's more than a day and a night, think if they're stuck in a room with stale food, dirty water, and clogged toilets. That way, consider your cat's abilities before leaving him for more than 24 hours.

Kites aged 3-6 months, generally need three meals every day. They need to eat every 4-6 hours. In addition, cats are very curious and may try climbing the curtain or eating something they shouldn't eat while you go. For that, set the safety around the house before leaving him on the move. But it's a good idea, ask someone to check on the cat during the day.

In older cats, they are very sensitive to changing their routine. Stress can turn into a disease in older cats. In addition, senior cats may need additional food or medicine during the day. For this reason, older cats should not be left overnight.

If you're going to leave the cat alone for more than a few hours, you can prepare them to eat just before you leave, and refresh their water bowls before you get out of the door. Finally, leave them with a clean impurity box.

One way to lighten the time for cats to be alone at home is with toys, nail-sharing boards, and other forms of toys to keep them busy like smooth balls, wrinkled balls, and catnip mice giving you pleasure when you leave. You can also let TV at low volume with nature programs running.

If your cat is very curious or naughty, prepare a "safe-cat" room for them to hang out while you leave. Because the most alone cat requires someone to check it once a day. So consider asking the nearest person or pet care to provide the usual care your cat does when you leave for more than 8-12 hours.

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