
JAKARTA - Friendship is an important part of a child's life. But not all friendship is created equally, nor is not all friendship healthy. Instead of making children socialize, the fact is that some friendships can actually make children feel anxious, stressed, and confused.

Unfortunately, children sometimes don't realize how bad the effects of unhealthy friendship are. Even some adults can't tell if their current child friends are really friends or enemies.

So, the key is to be observant in recognizing signs of unhealthy friendship and helping children deal with the situation. Adapting Very Well Family, Friday, February 24, here are some signs of children establishing unhealthy friends with their friends.

Healthy friendship involves cooperation and collaboration. However, this feature is not in unhealthy friendship. You tend to see your little one's friends who are always in charge and make all decisions. His friends also take advantage of this relationship to achieve their goals and get what they want.

Unhealthy friendship involves bad behavior. For example, a child's friend may be too critical or speak ill of others. They may also laugh and make fun of others for how to dress, look, or act. This does not rule out the possibility that they will underestimate and mock your child in front of others.

Dramas in relationships also reflect unhealthy friendships. For example, the friend may share personal information, spread rumors, or like to lie to your child. They may also try to manipulate your child emotionally or use guilt to get what they want.

Happiness is also a sign of an unhealthy friendship. Whether it's jealous of new toys or jealous of other friends, unhealthy friendships rarely support and encourage. Instead of trying to celebrate each other's success, there is often a common thread that underlies competitiveness.

When your child is in a toxic friendship, you will see changes in your child's self-esteem or confidence. They suddenly become more quiet and try to hide their talents or abilities. Or, they may seem hesitant and look to their friends before making a decision.

Sometimes children make friends with other people who are rude to adults, like to take risks, and engage in problematic behavior. Even if your child didn't behave like that at first, it spent a lot of time with children who violated or opposed unhealthy rules for your child.

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