
YOGYAKARTA The mindset of parents plays a major role in attitude towards their children. Including being parents who are patient but still firm, it takes equipment' so that they carry out healthy behavior.

Psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., advises parents to practice deep breathing, muscle relaxation, cognitive therapy strategies, positive visualization, positive psychology for healthy behavior, and effective strategies in emitting. Launching Psychology Today, Thursday, February 23, here's how to be patient parents but remain firm according to psychologist and author 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child.

If you are in conflict, invite your child to see how you really feel. Avoid being too judging because it makes your child feel criticized and will make it defensive. For example, by saying, 'Please help the mother understand why you seem annoyed'. This simple statement makes the child remember and feel heard when he explains.

It's important to know, shouting at children can affect his emotional side. As the University of Pittsburg research reveals in Pennsylvania and the University of Michigan. That the harsh verbal discipline of parents is very damaging and has the potential to have behavioral problems. That is, when in a tense conflict, try to practice breathing so that emotions don't jump and say harsh verbal sentences.

By being non-responsive, it means you understand how to brake not to scream. While understanding alone may not stop you from screaming. But this is a little helpful. Start by analyzing what your child wants to change and explain rationally to him. The more you slow down or are not responsive, the less emotional reactions and the less likely you are to scream.

If your child disobeys, try not to get offended. It needs to be realized, it's your child who deserves even if you are promoting to scream, they actually behave for themselves and not your struggle. This may help you not be too frustrated and at risk of screaming.

That's how to be a patient parent, even though the child is mature and behaves not according to expectations. It is important to understand, act decisively differently by shouting, judging, and getting angry. So you can still be firm in conveying problems rationally but still build your child's mentality well.

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