
YOGYAKARTA Someone gives praise for the achievements achieved is a form of appreciation. When you accept it, this is an illustration of the extent to which you are trying to achieve it. But apparently, there are also people who don't trust praise from other people because they think that they have a higher standard, only for pleasantries, to consider praise a compensation of decent attention.

A person who denounces himself continuously, finds it difficult to admit the success that has been achieved, to the point of fear of not being perfect, is a symptom of an impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome, often needs help to reduce perfectionism and no longer feels unable to improve itself. In addition, reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, February 22, syndrome often does not trust others for the praise given. They also do not appreciate the achievements they have achieved.

Impostor syndrome can be a real source of anxiety and distress.ospone Hawley, Ph.D., a person who has this distrust attitude tends to be selective. They also do not believe in good evaluations, exams, and praise.

There are a number of tips for someone who has an impostor syndrome. One of Hawley's suggestions, try talking to other people about the anxiety you're feeling. Another way is to record the success and praise received so that this note can be seen again when you feel sad.

In addition, added Hawley, releasing inner perfectionists may be easier to say than to do. Plus, try to learn to internalize success and achievement.

Women are often associated with syndrome impostors, according to research. But it turns out that men can also experience it. One predictor is the status of a minority in the environment or maybe the socio-economic background around the place of residence. Therefore, people will be implicitors When showing that someone like me can really succeed in their environment.

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