
YOGYAKARTA The cat has a certain body language that marks its health condition. When your anabul at home often treats her lips, this may be self-care. But maybe it's also due to other more serious conditions such as the following explanation.

It is normal for cats to stick to their lips after eating. This behavior is based on the cat's instincts to remove traces of the smell after eating its prey. The aroma of the remnant can be detected by other predators and reminds them that there are cat predators in the area. So because cats are predators who are self-consistent', it is important for anise to remove traces of odor after eating from harming themselves.

In addition to normal reasons, cats also often treat their lips as an indication that they have verbal pain. This is important for you to pay attention to, if they touch your lips not only after eating. Oral pain in cats, often followed by saliva and decreased appetite. More specifically, bad mouth odors also mark the cat's mouthache.

Cats whovert their lips when there is no food may experience nervousness or fear. To be more accurate in determining the cause, observe the situation directly and also pay attention to other body language signals.

Touching the lips accompanied by swallowing can mean the cat feels nauseated. Disgusted can happen soon after.

Launching Cat Behavior Associates, Tuesday, February 21, upper respiratory problems or allergies can cause cats to often close their lips. If there is a stuffy nose, you may see more lipsvert. After sneezing, the cat will alsovert her lips again.

Excess saliva is called ptyalism which triggers cats to oftenvert their lips. This means that there are serious health problems in your favorite cat. Some of the causes include swallowing foreign objects, tumors, periodic diseases, nausea, mouth injuries, abscess, kidney disease, upper respiratory disease, swallowing toxic substances, and others.

The cat's extreme dry mouth, known as xerostomia. This can cause lips to be frequently bent. Underlying health conditions, such as dehydration, fever, kidney or liver problems, endocrine disorders, drug side effects.

That's the seventh cause the cat often treats its lips. If the cat has a disease that causes no stops kissing the lips, immediately check it with the veterinarian in order to get the right treatment.

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