
JAKARTA - The emergence of various skincare content today certainly creates a little confusion for skin care lovers. This confusion is certainly related to what content manages to overcome skin problems, which can actually make it worse.

However, there are two ingredients that will not disappoint you, namely retinol and vitamin C. Both are the most studied substances and from the results of the study it has proven that they can suppress symptoms of aging and make the face glowing natural.

Retinol is a good facial care ingredient to treat acne. Because it works at the cell level to accelerate cell turnover, reduce inflammation, and reduce oil production. This is all an important process of keeping pores clean and acne-free skin.

On the other hand, vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can reduce signs of aging and cure skin damage. Vitamin C is very effective at preventing damage caused by free radicals in the skin caused by environmental aggressors such as pollution, infrared radiation, and blue light.

Both retinol and vitamin C must be included in your daily skin care routine. In this article, VOI will discuss several ways of using both ingredients. Based on a prescription from Aesthetic Hysician and dermatologist, Dr. Saru Singh to improve skin health launched the Times of India, Friday, February 17.

Retinol is recommended for use at night while vitamin C is best used in the morning. Apply the vitamin C serum to the skin after using the facial wash in the morning. Then use a facial moisturizer that suits your skin type and sunscreen with SPF - 30 or higher. If your skin tends to be drier, you can apply retinol with a hyaluronic acid serum or moisturizer at night.

It's still possible to combine vitamin C and retinol if you prefer to use skin care at night. Although vitamin C is the most effective in the morning, it is also beneficial at night. However, it is not recommended to use both of them at the same time. Often, use both of them carefully. For example, vitamin C tonight and retinol the following night.

Vitamin C and Retinol are one of the best antioxidants, so using sunscreen effectively reproduces the protective effect of the skin. Especially, using both with moisturizer and sunscreen helps protect against free radicals and UV exposure and keeps the skin hydrated throughout the day.

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