
YOGYAKARTA When you feel bored with daily routine activities, it's time to make changes by thinking a little spontaneously. Because according to clinical psychologists, spontaneity can be beneficial in the emotional aspect, welfare, and creativity.

According to Katika Bajaj as reported by mbghealth, spontaneity is often understood recklessly. Sometimes it is considered an irresponsible attitude. However, he as a clinical psychologist views the positive aspect of being spontaneous one time because it has the following benefits below.

The same activity for a long time, such as answering emails in the morning, having breakfast menus together, leaving for work at hours like yesterday, and others. Routines is necessary, but consistency is sometimes boring. This can cause fatigue, laziness, to cynicism. A study conducted by Italian students found a causal relationship between low spontaneity and psychological suffering.

On the other hand, novelty and spontaneous can actually be therapeutic. The more spontaneous and creative experiences you have, the happier you are happy, satisfied, and even successful.

Still according to scientific research, changing its repetitive routine is how to make moving time more enjoyable. Do you often feel slow times when doing the same chronic routine? This is because our perception of slow times and can't record much information. When undergoing new activities, then we can pay attention to each element.

Neuroscientist and creative researcher David Eagleman, Ph.D., is the first to find that trying to gather new experiences and trick our brains into doing things outside their habitable comfort zone can help us feel like time lasts forever. That's because the longer it takes to process a memory, the longer it feels.

"This explains why we think that time is getting faster when we get older; why the summer of childhood seems to last forever, while old age passes when we fall asleep. The more familiar the world is, the less information your brain writes, and the sooner time goes by, "explained Eagleman.

Research has shown that acting without a plan can increase happiness, vitality, and satisfaction. In addition, making spontaneous thinking a consistent practice has proven to increase mental flexibility and strengthen brain pathways.

The same routine does not create new memories and experiences. When the brain has to use its resources, it expands our perception of time. So, when doing new things that are spontaneous, the brain is more excited and completely submerged in that moment.

Those are the four benefits of acting spontaneously to overcome boredom. It is important to understand, spontaneity and routines do not have to conflict with each other. So try to practice openness, even with just one new idea every day so as to build a brain path that then makes it a habit.

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