
JAKARTA - Song Joong Ki and Katy Louise live open with their relationship. The two of them performed together while at Incheon International Airport today, Thursday, February 16.

Song Joong Ki is known to have left for Europe to shoot his latest film, My Name is Loh Kiwan. Reportedly filming will be done for two months in Europe. Not alone, Katy Louise was by her side from the start coming to the airport until check-in.

The two greeted the media as they walked into the airport. Katy Louise was seen holding their pet dog named Nalla and left along with several bodyguard guarding.

After successfully checking-in, Song Joong Ki and Katy Louise also greeted reporters who were highlighting them from the top floor. Song Joong Ki was even seen embracing Katy while walking into the plane lounge.

Song Joong Ki confirmed his relationship in December last year. Then on January 30, he announced the marriage and pregnancy of Katy Louise Sanders.

"Based on our trust and love for each other, we registered a marriage to start life as a married couple," said Song Joong Ki's statement.

As the title implies, the film My Name is Loh Kiwan tells the story of the journey of Loh Kiwan, a North Korean defector who meets the requirements as a refugee in Belgium. He left for freedom but was colored by challenges.

Loh Kiwan played by Song Joong Ki fell in love with Mari, played by Choi Sung Eun. Let's be women who don't have the spirit to live.

My Name is Loh Kiwan tells of Loh Kiwan and Mari's relationship after their first meeting. Loh Kiwan arrives in Belgium for a new life while Mari loses the spirit to move on.

The film will be directed by Kim Hee Jin and brings together two big stars in South Korea. My Name is Loh Kiwan will air on Netflix.

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