
YOGYAKARTA - Eksim is a skin problem that many people often complain about, both men and women. Eskim is not only experienced by adults, but can also happen to babies. The parents must know the eczema in terms of the cause and tips on dealing with it.

Eczema is a health problem in the form of inflammation of the skin. Eczema sufferers will experience symptoms in the skin, namely dry skin, redness, and itching. Even skin that has eczema can peel until it breaks easily. The eczema in the baby has the same symptoms.

Eksim pada bayi biasanya dialami oleh anak dalam beberapa bulan pertama lahiran. Eksim rawan terjadi pada bayang karena kulitnya masih sensitif. Apabila tidak segera ditangani, masalah eksim bisa berlanjut hingga usia kecilak-anak dan remaja.

Many parents think that the eczema in babies is caused by food allergies. Whereas the eczema and allergies in the baby's skin are different. The baby's eczema can occur because it is triggered by the following things.

Eczema in the baby's skin can be caused by genetic factors. This skin problem can be passed down from a family that has a history of the same skin condition, it could be a history of allergies, rhinitis, asthma, and so on. Children's skin health can be influenced by gene mutations from their parents.

One of the things that can cause eczema to occur in the baby is dry skin conditions. Dry skin in the baby is characterized by the surface of the skin that is scaly or becomes white when scratched. Dry skin has a fragile, rough, and scaly nature that can trigger eczema.

Food can also trigger eczema in babies. Reporting from the National Eczema Association, as many as 30 percent of eskip sufferers are thought to have had allergies to food first. Usually this condition is triggered by allergies from foods that contain eggs, nuts, and milk. However, milk is not the main cause of the appearance of eczema.

Therefore, breastfeeding mothers need to pay attention to their food consumption. When in the breastfeeding stage below 6 months, mothers need to avoid the following foods: beans, cow's milk, shells, and foods that contain additive substances. Although those who eat these foods are their mothers, it can trigger eczema in the baby.

Eczema can also attack babies because of their weaker immunity than adults. These conditions can trigger the occurrence of eczema in babies to a number of other diseases. Therefore, it is important for babies to immunize.

The eczema experienced by babies can also be caused by environmental factors. The eczema is more prone to attacking babies who live in a lot of dust and pollution environments. In addition, areas of cold-air plateau can also trigger eczema because the baby's skin is more sensitive and dry.

Another cause of eczema is the hygiene and activity received by the baby. The touch of the hands of other people can trigger eczema if the hands are not clean. In addition, the touch of the baby with dirty objects can also lead to eczema.

Activities carried out by closest people such as mothers, fathers, and relatives can also trigger eczema in babies. For example, when his family likes smoking and drinking alcohol.

There are several treatments that parents can do to handle eczema on their babies. Follow these steps to relieve the baby's eczema.

One way that can be done to overcome eczema in the baby is to use a skin moisturizer. Parents can apply moisturizers such as lotions or displays to reduce dryness of the skin and itching.

The use of lotion can make the baby's skin dry so that eczema can subside. The lotion recommended to overcome eczema is a lotion that contains ceramide and is free of fragrance that is safe for sensitive skin. A moisturizing can be done after a baby takes a shower.

Playing a baby using warm water is also another way to deal with eczema. bathing with warm water can reduce the itching experienced by the baby with eczema. The level of overheating makes sure it's not too hot. Parents can wash the baby briefly or no more than 10 minutes.

Another step to deal with eczema in babies is to preventbraking the skin. Vulnerables suffering from eczema will usually scratch their itchy skin frequently. Parents should prevent their children from doing that. These activities can actually make the eczema wound worse and damage the skin.

Parents can clean the itching area gently. You can give gentle applause to reduce itching on your baby's skin and so that eczema doesn't spread.

That's a review of the causes of eczema in babies and how to deal with them. To prevent babies from being exposed to eczema, parents need to adopt a healthy lifestyle from food, environment, to activities. The handling of eczema in babies also needs to be done with patience and proper treatment.

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