
YOGYAKARTA In general, men are one of the mental disorders that occurs because they are involved in an event that causes trauma. The causes and symptoms can vary. To understand what

This disorder is short for post-traumatic stress disorder or can be interpreted as post-traumatic stress disorder. This disorder is in the form of anxiety experienced by a person after he experiences, witnessed, or was involved in a traumatic event.

Its own incident is bad, disturbing, or considered unpleasant by people with layoffs. In addition, events that are experienced are usually identified as dangerous events both emotionally and physically that have the potential to threaten life or can affect mental, physical, social, and/or spiritual well-being.

Reporting from the website psychiatryorg, in the past used to be known by various names, one of which was a popular shock shell during World War I and during World War II. This condition occurs not only in the army but in everyone regardless of ethnicity, nation, culture, to age.

Chaotic sufferers usually have thoughts and feelings that are disturbed by past experiences that will arise through flashbacks or nightmares. As a result, sufferers will feel sadness, fear, and anger.

In general,VINCE is caused by traumatic events experienced by a person in the past. This condition can be triggered by various things, namely the following.

However, it should be noted that the cause of tersebut is not generally experienced by everyone. The cause will further triggerungkling, especially in people who are prone to experiencing such disturbances. The people who are prone to experiencing tersebut are as follows.

Symptoms ofTICity in a person can be different from each other. There are four types of symptoms that will be experienced by a person depending on the severity, which is as follows.

Minds will be interrupted and shaped like recurring bad memories, sad dreams, experiencing flashbacks of events, and so on.

A person will choose to avoid something related to traumatic events such as avoiding people, places, activities, objects, or situations that can trigger traumatic memories. Users will also refuse to talk about their feelings about something.

A person is unable to remember important things that happen in bad events. In addition, people who have negative thoughts and feelings about themselves feel like they think they are bad or think that no one can be trusted. This is then b

Someone will be very reactive. For example, easily offended by other people, explosions of anger, harm yourself because of a small trigger, easily shocked, to difficulty concentrating or experiencing sleep disturbances.

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