
"Inventment activities can cause the penis to become broken or fracture and this generally occurs in certain positions that you and your partner implement," said Consultant Urology Specialist Andrology, dr.Widi Atmoko, Sp.U (K).

"Actually, there is a condition called a penis fracture or a break in the penis. This is usually the most common in patients or couples who do a 40.3 percent sexgy style or man on top or woman on top," he said, who is a member of the Indonesian Urology Expert Association (IAUI). ), launched ANTARA.

Widi said that a broken penis is usually caused by hitting the bone, for example, the pelvis of a woman (the couple) during sexual intercourse. When an erection, all the layers inside the penis become thin and easily torn when hit.

"When it is torn, it (penis) can be broken. Later it (penis) can be swollen, bleeding, causing erectile dysfunction," he said.

On the other hand, regarding the concerns of heart disease patients during sex, Widi advised them not to be pessimistic.

"Generally sexual intercourse can be carried out within a few weeks depending on the level of risk. So, don't be immediately pessimistic that heart disease cannot be related," he said.

Widi said patients still have to consult a cardiologist and if necessary also with a urological doctor, especially when it is necessary to give medicines or other therapies.

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