
YOGYAKARTA The Bengal cat is a breed cat that was passed down from domestic cats and wild leopard cats in Asia that have occurred since the early 1800s and was registered at the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA) in 1996. Do you know the characteristics of Bengal's most easily recognized cat?

The Bengal cat race has short fur with various colors. Like lavender, silver chocolate, brown, and sable. This beautiful▁tidurcat is a friendly and very active pet. Because they are predatory animals, Bengal cats can hardly remain running around here and there.

At first glance seeing the Bengal cat, you might think a leopard. That's because this cat has a unique motif, like wild carnivorous animals. But calm down, Bengal cats are tame mammals that love. Since 1983, this cat has been considered a popular handsome cat. If the first generation, it is very likely to be considered a leopard. So what are the nature and character of Bengal cats? Here's the explanation.

The nature of the first Bengal cat, this attractive anabul, is always curious. If something happens, they will check it. For example, when you buy a new product at home, Bengal's cat will check the product. Especially when they smell the aroma of food, such as meat or an amicable food they like. Uniquely, Bengal cats are also not antipathy to water.

If you have a Bengal cat, you can throw away your alarm clock. Once Bengal You find out that it's 07.00 a.m. time, he'll getong hard at the same time. Even since 06.50, he has started reminding you to fill his place to eat. In addition, when you come home you will be greeted and responded when you leave the house.

The nature and character of Bengal cats, maybe the same as other breed cats. They are agile and know exactly how to get what they want. They also know how to express their dislike for a situation.

If you are busy, it's important to spend time playing with your Bengal cat at home. Cats of this type have a strong bond with their owners. Well, because they are easily bored and lonely when left behind for a long time, they can be stressed. So, to meet social needs, you need to spend time with them or raise other pets.

No wonder Bengal cats are always active. This is because they have a lot of energy to play. During the day, they will spend a lot of time sleeping. Some opinions think that Bengal cats have dog-like traits and characters. Launching The Bengal Connection, Tuesday, February 7, in addition to having a high social spirit, Bengal cats are also easily stressed in new places.

Those are the five important properties and character of Bengal cats to know. If you keep this cat race, give them nutritious food according to the dose of daily needs.

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