
JAKARTA - Reza Rahadian comes with his latest action in the film Reply to You. This original Amazon Prime video is his latest work directed by Teddy Soeriaatmadja.

Replying is a film that tells of a man who carries out brutal revenge after all his family members die. Armed with few clues, the man tries to find the mastermind behind the killer.

The one-minute trailer shows Reza Rahadian and the emotional streak he experienced after his family died. In one scene, Reza lived a happy life but on the other hand, he also felt his world turned upside down overnight.

"That day I was born, and some of me died," Reza Rahadian narrated in the trailer.

Various mysteries began to surface after Reza Rahadian consulted with Laura Basuki. In the audience trailer, you can also see Yoga Pratam, Baim Wong, Niken Anjani and others.

This nearly two-minute trailer features a mysterious moment and the complexity of a Reza Rahadian.

This thriller drama film is a collaboration between Karuna Pictures and Tiger Wong Entertainment. Previously they revealed the collaboration between Baim Wong's company for a film titled Tamu Tak Diundang.

The film "Replying to You" will be released on Prime Video on February 16.

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