
YOGYAKARTA In a healthy relationship, especially a committed partner's relationship, everyone needs to learn how to touch their partner properly. Thea Harvey, MA., MFT., tells the story of a client who loses his desire to touch and touch his partner because his relationship is too cold.

Healthy relationships are certainly through challenging dynamics. Including how every couple misses touch each other, intimacy, even sex. Touch and skin tucing, for humans, is very important especially affecting their relationships with other people. As it turns out, according to Harvey reported by YourTango, Sunday, February 5, the way someone gives and receives touch is influenced by our childhood.

Because touch is very important to form a healthy and survival relationship, one needs to know how to behave and warm up relationships with touch again. A baby also needs the attention and touch of his parents. This finding was discovered in the 1940s by Rene Spitz who researched the importance of social interaction for children's development.

The study shows that touch indicates security and trust. In addition to calming touch. The intimate activity, which is not only related to this sexual aspect, can trigger the release of oxytocin, calming cardiovascular stress, pain, depression, anger, and anxiety.

In the welfare of relationships, the sense of touch is fundamental. However, many couples go without touch or caress. According to Dacher Keltner, professors Berkeley and Co-Directure Greater Good Science Center, touch rarely occurs in Western European culture. Children rarely see their parents holding hands, kissing, and even hugging. From this research, family origin is a reference for someone in communicating with or without words.

Leading psychotherapists Esther Perel and Terry Real conjecture that the only area where boys are pushed to touch are in sexual intercourse. This limited activity is often the only culturally appropriate time for adult men in the United States to explore and enjoy physical touch.

This limited line of experience robs of deeper intimacy from men, affecting their overall health and physical well-being. Men become victims of suicide, gun violence, and addiction at an alarming rate.

To learn how to touch your partner properly, start from touching your hands, according to Harvey's instructions. While sitting next to each other, try to hold each other and stroke each other's hands. They are instructed to focus on their own pleasure. Then explore the hands of their partner following their own curiosity.

In this simple way, partners can share the impression of touching each other's hands. Next, you can learn more about each other's preferences and also more about themselves. That way, your partner has a new communication language such as massages, hugs, to back rubs.

You and your partner can combine more touch to reduce anxiety, pain, and depression while improving welfare and overall relationships.

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