
JAKARTA - Playing is a stimulation for children under six years old. This will maximize its growth.

Educational psychologist from Dandelion's Home, Binky Paramita, M.Psi. said, in playing, children are actually practicing problem solving or solving problems when facing difficulties.

"The benefits of playing for children are very large because it can provide opportunities for children to explore and develop skills that will be needed in life in the future," said Binky quoting antara.

He said, in the game sometimes children are faced with finding solutions to the problems they face. "Sometimes children play with friends like to discuss sometimes also argue," said Binky.

In addition, playing is also believed to be able to develop a range of concentration where motor sensor capabilities, logic of thinking and range of concentration are also trained.

Winky gave an example when a child plays lego, it can be a means of exercising fine motor skills and when a child runs, gross motor nerves are also processed.

Not only that, but emotional intelligence through communication and interaction with friends is also trained through game situations.

Meanwhile, pediatric health expert and pediatric teaching assistant at Harvard Medical School Claire McCarthy, MD explained that more than a million new neural connections were made in the brain in the first few years of life.

"Multuring this neural connection makes it more efficient. These processes will later build the brain and help guide how it functions for the rest of the child's life," he wrote in Harvard Health publication.

When children are invited to play so that they react and interact with each other in a loving way, healthy brain blocks and happy children will have a better chance to grow up to be healthy, happy, competent, and successful adults.

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