
JAKARTA - The singer from the United States, Kehlani, will perform at Hall D2, JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta on Saturday, February 4, evening. Ahead of his action in front of his fans, he showed off a photo of Indonesian food.

Like most international artists, Kehlani also immediately fell in love with Indonesian food. He even revealed that now Indonesian food occupies the top position of his favorite food list.

"Indonesian food has taken the first position for favorite dishes," he said, through his Instagram account.

Meanwhile, the concert titled "Blue Water Road" made Kehlani set her foot in Indonesia for the first time.

This tour has been running since January 20. Starting from the European region, then turning to Asian territory today.

Several other international artists will appear as the opening act for Kehlani in Jakarta tonight. Among them, Destin

Kehlani will then visit Singapore, Taipei, South Korea and Japan.

For fans who do not get a concert ticket in Jakarta, they can watch Kehlani's performances in these countries.

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