
JAKARTA - Alternative tobacco products comparatively have a lower health risk profile than cigarettes.

The types of alternative tobacco products are e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products, and nicotine bags. This is the result of a scientific literature study from the Bandung Institute of Technology (SF-ITB) Pharmacy School.

Kajian juga menyebutkan bahwa produk tembakau alternatif mengandung zat dan berpotensi berbahaya (harmful and potential harmful constituents) yang lebih rendah daripada cigarettes.

Professor of SF-ITB Prof. Dr. r. nat. Rahmana Emran Kartasasmita, M.S. explained, a scientific literature study with the title "Risk Assessment) for Tobacco Heated System (THS) Products Based on Data and Literatur Studies" aims to calculate the estimated risk level of heated tobacco products.

The study is based on standard methods carried out by world institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United State Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA).

The risk study process goes through several stages; first, independent literature searches and scientific publications.

"The goal is to find qualitative and quantitative data related to various compounds in heated tobacco products and cigarettes as a comparison, as well as the classification of carcinogenicity by referring to the IARC (The International Agency for Research on Cancer or the International Agency for Cancer Research)," said Prof. Emran quoting Between, Saturday, February 4.

The next stage, the SF-ITB team conducted a search for hazard characterization data for compounds with a threshold value (non-carsinogenic and non-genooxic carcinogenic) and without a safety threshold (generogenic carcinogenic) value, accounting for exposure studies with worst-case scenario cases, and followed by characterization of risks for non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic substance.

The result, said Prof. Emran, heated tobacco products have a lower risk profile than cigarettes. However, this product is not completely risk-free.

In addition, the components of dangerous and potentially dangerous substances are also very minimal. The dangerous and potentially dangerous substances in question are acrolein, benzene, nicotine, and 1.3-butadiene.

"If you think about it simply logically, of course, by heating, there should be fewer components of dangerous and potentially dangerous substances formed qualitatively, in types, and quantitatively in levels," said Prof. Emran.

The results of the SF-ITB study are also in line with scientific studies conducted by credible health institutions in the world, including Public Health England and the UK Committee on Toxicology (COT), part of the Food Standards Agency, which concludes that heated tobacco products have a risk profile of 90-95 percent lower than cigarettes.

"Later on, scientific studies can be comprehensive information for the public, especially adult smokers, to reduce the prevalence of smoking so that public health gets better," he said.

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