
YOGYAKARTA Epilection is a chronic brain disease that affects about 50 million people worldwide. This disease makes brain activity abnormal, causes seizures, and loss of consciousness. Epilepsy can attack anyone, either adults or children.

In the community, there is an assumption that epilepsy is a disease that can be transmitted through saliva. Because of this assumption, people with epilepsy who experience seizures in public places, are often not helped for fear of contracting. So, is epilepsy contagious through saliva?

According to the World Health Organization (World Health Organization), epilepsy is a non-communicable disease. This disease is characterized by repeated seizures, which is a brief episode of unconscious movements that may involve part of the body or the whole body and sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness and control of the function of the intestine or bladder.

The seizure episode was the result of excessive electrical release in a group of brain cells. Different parts of the brain can be a place of disposal.

Kejang can vary from the briefest attention disorder or muscle attraction to severe and prolonged seizures. The shock can also vary in frequency, from less than once per year to several times per day.

The same thing was also expressed by the Faculty Specialist of Academic Hospital (RSA) UGM dr. Fajar Maskuri, M.Sc., Sp.S., According to him, epilepsy cannot be transmitted through physical or saliva contact.

"Actually epilepsy is a brain nerve disorder so you have to be treated by a neurologist. Even though you touch your skin or your saliva when you help, you won't get infected. At least you secure the patient with an injury when you have a seizure," Fajar said, quoted by VOI from the official UGM website recently.

Epilection Symptoms

As mentioned above, epilepsy can make brain activity abnormal. Kejang can affect the brain coordination process of the sufferer's brain. Signs and symptoms of epilepsy such as:

In addition, epilepsy sufferers tend to have more physical problems (such as fractures and bruises due to seizure-related injuries), as well as higher levels of psychological condition, including anxiety and depression. Similarly, the risk of premature mortality in epilepsy sufferers is up to three times higher than in general populations, with the highest early death rates found in low- and middle-income countries and in rural areas

Cause of Epilepsy

The causes of epilepsy are divided into several categories, such as structural, genetic, infectious, metabolism, immunity and other unknown causes. The following examples:

That's information about epilepsy. Is epilepsy contagious? The answer is no. Epilection cannot be transmitted either through physical contact or saliva.

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