
YOGYAKARTA - Prurigo in the medical world is a term for mentioning sweet blood. However, some people still don't know what sweet blood is. This condition usually occurs caused by problems in the immune and nerve system on the skin.

A bloodstainer usually experiences extreme itching, accompanied by a rash with a hard bump. Hard anchoring on the itching part will result in black scars. The scars are usually difficult to remove and make the sufferer appear to have a grid.

Sweet blood can occur to anyone, from various ages. However, this condition is usually experienced by middle-aged parents and the elderly. So what causes sweet blood and how to deal with it?

Until now, the exact cause of sweet blood is not known. Experts suspect that the cause of this condition is disorders in the immune system and skin nerves that cause a very itchy taste.

Sweet blood will usually appear after the sufferer covers the itching area of the skin continuously, resulting in abrasions. Itching will be more prolonged because the skin nerves become more sensitive when scratched. There are several things that are suspected to be the cause of pririgo or sweet blood.

Belitting insects will cause itching that can trigger the desire to scratch continuously. remains mosquitoes or other insects will not usually disappear immediately or can last long enough. Excessively scratched itching parts will cause more severe infections to create scars on the skin.

When stressed, some people tend to have a desire to scratch itching skin. Stress makes a person unable to control themselves and not focus, so they are unconscious when cleansing the skin continuously. As a result, these garukan actually result in an infection in the skin.

Based on the British Association of Dermatology, about 80 percent of people suffering from diabetes generally have other conditions of disease, such as eczema, asthma, dermatitis, fever, herditeformist, and other health disorders. However, this is still an atopic nature or is not known in detail.

In addition to a number of things above, pririgo or sweet blood can occur in people who suffer from the following health problems.

There are a number of treatments that are recommended to treat sweet blood. The purpose of the treatment of pririgo is to cut off itching andting habits. There are various ways you can do, adapting to cases of different itching in everyone.

Here are a number of ways to treat sweet blood:

To treat itching due to sweet blood, doctors can recommend oles or cream, lotion, andRUbe. There are a number of pharmacy medicines that you can also try, namely those that contain the following ingredients.

There are also prescription drugs that are likely to be recommended by doctors, namely:

Doctors can also provide OTC antihistamine recipes to help you sleep at night without being disturbed. It is likely that the doctor will also suggest a drug for antidepressants that helps you stop sneering habits. Possible drugs, such as paroxetine and amitriptyline.

Some therapeutic methods can also shrink nodules and relieve itching. Here are a number of therapies you can do.

That's a review of what sweet blood is, the causes and how to treat it. If you experience this condition and are prolonged, it's better if you immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

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