
Having sex is a problem faced by many people, both women and men. The love for sex is characterized by intense fun with thoughts, fantasy, and sexual behavior so that it has a negative impact on a person's personal, professional, and social life.

It is important to note that sexual behavior and desire between one person and another can be very different. And it could be that what one person considers a problem, it could be that in other people's view it's not a matter at all.

If your partner commits excessive sexual activity such as frequent promulgation, compulsive use of sexual content, and having multiple infidelitys, this could be a sign of sexual addiction. Launching the Times of India, Friday, February 3, here are signs of a couple being addicted to sex.

If your partner lies about his sexual activity or tries hard to hide it, this could be a sign that he is battling sexual addiction.

Signs of sexual addiction can be seen if your partner cannot control his urges or sexual behavior. Although he knows this can cause problems in his life. This sign can be seen clearly if he wants to be open about this problem to you.

If your partner often asks you to have sex that is more intense or risky. To get the same level of satisfaction, this could be a sign of a partner being sexually addicted. If you don't accept it, put down it gently because the relationship is a mutually satisfying basis, not forcing it.

If your partner ignores his responsibilities such as work, family, and other commitments. To engage in sexual activity, this is also a sign that he is addicted to sex. Sexual things have shifted his mind.

Couples who are addicted to sexual activity can be seen from their behavior that is constantly looking for new sexual experiences. Although it endangers his health, relationships, or work.

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