How To Get Rid Of The Alms In The Mouth, Do This Treatment
Illustration of bitter taste in the mouth (Unsplash/Joey Nicotra)


YOGYAKARTA - The bitter taste in the mouth is very disturbing to comfort, both when eating and doing normal activities. The bitter taste can occur temporarily, but there are also those that last a long time due to certain diseases. There are a number of ways to relieve the bitter taste in the mouth that can be done.

The bitter taste in the mouth is often experienced when a person is sick. His tongue will feel bland and bitter. This condition occurs because of the release of the protein by the body which functions to overcome inflammation when it hurts. As a result of the process, the sense of taste will be affected to cause a bitter taste in the tongue.

A change of taste in the mouth is called dysgeusia. In medical terms, this reaction does not always result in a bitter taste. But it can also be salty, sweet,▁apabilaing, and others. There are a number of causes and ways to deal with the bitter taste in the mouth.

The bitter taste of the mouth can occur due to a number of factors, both from health problems to eating patterns. Here are a number of causes of the occurrence of bitter taste in the mouth.

- Fever or other diseases

- Conclusion of bacteria in the mouth

- gum and tooth health problems

- Dry mouth (xerostomia)

- Neural damage

- Hot mouth or burning mouth syndrome

- Sariawan mouth

- GERD or reflux stomach acid

- Pregnancy

- Consumption of food or drink is too bitter

- Lack of intake of vitamin B12 and zinc

- Consumption of drugs or supplements

- Stress and anxiety disorder

- Being in cancer treatment

- Governance with the digestive system

The bitter taste on the tongue is often only temporary, if not due to serious illness. However, if allowed, this condition will disturb the comfort of the sufferer. In addition, appetite will also decrease because the mouth is not comfortable to eat with. Oral problems can be treated in the following ways.

One of the most effective ways to remove the bitter taste in the mouth is to eat oranges or lemons. The acid content in the two fruits can relieve the bitter sensation in the mouth.

The taste of the very sharp times in oranges and lemons will stimulate the taste of taste. This method is usually applied when the bitter taste occurs due to the consumption of drugs or is sick. But avoid eating oranges and lemons when you are shariawan.

It is undeniable that water is a very good mineral and is needed by the body. Consumption of water can also help overcome the bitter taste in the mouth. The bitter taste of the mouth can be related to dry mouth condition. So you need to increase drinking water, especially when doing a lot of outdoor activities.

One alternative to eliminating the bitter taste in the mouth is to chew rubber gum. The taste in gum can stimulate the taste of taste and divert the bitter taste.

You need to choose sugar-free rubber candy. You can also choose rubber candy with the aroma of peppermint or fruits. Cooking rubber candy also helps move nerves and muscles in the mouth and jaw.

You must do this one activity every day. You need to maintain regular oral hygiene to avoid various health problems in your mouth, tongue, teeth, and gums. Clean mouth will avoid the accumulation of bacteria that can cause a bitter taste in the mouth.

Netting habits can be done easily. You need to regularly brush your teeth twice a day, namely before bed and when you wake up in the morning. In addition, also do dental floating regularly.

Not many know that baking soda can neutralize the bitter taste in the mouth. To relieve the bitter taste, you can gargling with a soda cake solution before eating. That way the taste of the food is not affected by the bitter taste.

The method is quite easy, namely the solution of 1 living4 tablespoons of kabing soda and 1 living tablespoons of salt in a glass of warm water. Next, just mouthwash using the solution. If so, rinse your mouth using clean water.

To eliminate the bitter taste in the mouth, you also need to limit the consumption of certain foods and drinks. Reduce foods that contain fat, peda, tamarind, and caffeinated drinks. Avoid alcoholic beverages because they can increase stomach acid which causes the mouth to taste bitter. In addition, stop smoking for a while.

That's a review of how to remove the bitter taste in the mouth. If you experience this problem, apply some of the above treatment. But if the bitter taste doesn't go away, you need to consult a doctor immediately.

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